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Collagen Optimizer Sweet Citrus Flavor 5.8 oz (165 g)

Collagen Optimizer Sweet Citrus Flavor 5.8 oz (165 g)

Regular price $16.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $16.99 USD
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UPC: 790011290667
SKU: JR29066
  • Fish Collagen Peptides + JarroSil + Red Orange Complex H
  • Promotes Collagen Production
  • Skin Elasticity
  • Dietary Supplement

Collagen Optimizer contains natural bioactive hydrolyzed Type I fish collagen rich in hydroxyproline, which stimulates production of collagen and hyaluronic acid. Improved skin elasticity, hydration, and overall quality has been observed in humans supplemented with hydrolyzed fish collagen. Red Orange Complex H (ROCH), a standardized extract made from three varieties of blood orange grown in Sicily, Italy, is a natural source of antioxidants shown to reduce UV-light induced skin damage in humans. Vitamin C is essential for collagen assembly and helps protect the skin against oxidative stress, while niacinamide supports skin DNA repair after UVA exposure. JarroSil, Activated Silicon, activates hydroxylation enzymes necessary for collagen cross linking, which is essential to collagen structure and function.

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